Tuesday, November 6, 2018

We Are More Than Enough

I didn't have to go to school to become a relationship EXpert. All I had to do was live and EXperience them. I write poetry books and relationship books about my own life experiences. I choose to write about what I know. I have experienced love and loss, and most of the time I've experienced both from the same person. I have been in a physically abusive marriage, and I've been in an emotionally abusive marriage. I have come in contact with soulmates, and I finally physically met my twin flame. In the twin flame union I've experienced immense love and passion, but also great pain. Throughout the most significant relationships in my life, even those with family members I began to lose part of myself. I wanted to make everyone happy at the expense of my own happiness. As a Leo I'm a very giving person and sometimes I give too much of myself. In the past I have changed myself to conform with other people's idea or image of me.

A couple of years ago I did some soul searching and some soul work to find ME, and what really makes me happy. I found that I AM: a healer, an empath, spiritual, and I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH!. I'm more than enough just the way I am, love me or leave me. Today I don't change to make others happy, I change and work on for me. I AM beautiful in all of my Godly glory. I found God on the inside of me(something religion never taught me). I've started eating more plant based meals, exercising, yoga, sage smudging, and meditating. I use essential oils and herbs instead of medicine for healing. I LOVE ME! I KNOW that I AM more than enough for whatever relationship, job, person. We are enough!

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