Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Midlife Crisis or True Awakening Part 2(a.k.a. Life at 50)

On November 1st I moved out of the apartment that I shared with 5 of my 6 adult children, and into a 2 bedroom house. My plan was to live totally alone, but one of my sons moved with me. Now we are down to December 31, 2019; the last day of the year. In my new home I created my sacred space, complete with: an altar, crystals, candles, books, and pictures of my ancestors. I have also placed a crystal in each room of my house except the laundry room. I have a plant in the kitchen and one in the living room. Both plants belonged to my deceased aunt whom I love dearly. A part of her will live on in my heart, but also in my home.

I walk around the house freely in just my panties, unless my son is home. I placed my vision board on the wall over my office workspace. I so needed this to get myself together. Sometimes I just need to be alone with my thoughts and myself so I can focus on me and what I need to do next. My life is my own to do whatever it is I want to do.

On my altar I have a palo santo stick and a sage/lavender bundle to ward off negative energy and dispel negative vibes. My goal is to live a life of peace, especially in my home.... My Sacred Space. I love the peace and quiet. All of my children are finding their way and doing some things without me. As a mother I will always be there, and I am still there for them but I needed my own space.

I have lived to be half a century old, and before turning 50 I always lived with someone or someone lived with me. I have taken care of everyone else; now it's time to take care of me and live my life. I plan to live life to the fullest and live it the way I want to; in a way that is fulfilling to me. I'm not here to impress people; I'm just here to live my best life. My intent was never to hurt my children, but to help me. Some of them needed a little push to go out into the world and find themselves. I don't want them to wait as long as I did to learn who they are and who they are destined to become.

I am not in the middle of a midlife crisis, but a true awakening to who I am. There are things that I have never done that I intend to do before I leave this lifetime. I'm not going to do anything as radical as motorcycle racing or bungee jumping, but there are things that I want to experience in this body. Self care is the ultimate form of self love. Meditation, yoga, drinking water, healthy eating, vacationing, trips to the spa, communing with nature are all forms of self care. These things have become an intricate part of my life. During meditation I go inside myself and see who I really am. You will never find peace or happiness in sources outside of yourself. You are responsible for your own happiness. Remember, god is introspection and god is love. Go within and find the god in you, and there you will find all of the love you need.

Peace and Blessings
Happy Kwanzaa