Saturday, November 10, 2018


Grand Rising Family! I hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend. I know a lot of you are preparing for Vision Board Parties for the end of this year, or the beginning of next year. My family will have our own Vision Board Party as part of our Kwanzaa celebration. How many of you actually work on accomplishing the things on your vision boards? I keep mine in a place where I have to see it daily, right next to my bathroom door. For the past couple of years I have just been adding to my vision board instead of creating a new one. As I accomplish some of my goals/visions I add more. I am a visionary; I envision the life I want and deserve. I have lost some things along the way, but I have also gained some things. At the end of this year as I celebrate Kwanzaa I will set my intentions for the coming year. One huge goal that I intend to accomplish is a family business with my kids. I have a vision for myself and my family. Purple Poet Publishing LLC and a life insurance policy are not the only things I want to leave for my children.

Being a visionary is not just about having sight, but it's also about having insight and 3rd eye vision. When your 3rd eye is open the veil is removed from your eyes, and you see things much more clearly.... You see things and people for what they truly are. When your 3rd eye chakra is cleansed you don't just LOOK but you SEE. There is a significant difference in looking and seeing. You can look at, or in the direction of something and not really see it. Having that 3rd eye vision helps you to see past the facades and lies, and in the case of the enlightened; you can even see into your future. As you plan your vision board parties, write new year's resolutions, or set intentions focus also on envisioning your life and future. Let's finish this year strong.
Peace and Blessings

1 comment:

  1. This is a inspiring blog it made me feel like i have hope.
