Thursday, November 29, 2018

Turning Passion Into Purpose

Do you know your purpose for being? Why are you here? I have asked myself that question a few times. When I authored my very first book I shared poetry that I had been writing over 12 years of my life. I have always been passionate about poetry and writing. As an adolescent and teen I would write poetry and songs. In elementary school my bestfriend and I formed a singing group called "Strategy". Songs are just poems put to music.

As an adult I still enjoy singing and writing poetry and songs. My target audience for my books are mainly women ages 21-55. If you've read any of my books you know that I'm transparent and withhold nothing. My passion for writing has turned into my purpose for writing and living. I write to share my experiences, but also to help others who may be experiencing the same things. Writing for me has been an outlet, or a means of therapy for me. I want to encourage others to read and write for the same reasons. Whatever you're passionate about can most definitely be connected to your purpose. Find out what you're passionate about, and you'll more than likely find your purpose!

Be blessed Kings and Queens

Friday, November 23, 2018

What are you Thankful for?

On yesterday most of you celebrated a day that the U.S. calls, "Thanksgiving". We in the enlightened world call it, "ThanksTaking". How can you really be thankful for a day that celebrates foreigners invading people's land and taking it over? White so-called "settlers" arrived from Europe and as part of their nature they raped and murdered the natives of this country. I could do a whole history lesson on Thanksgiving, but I want to discuss something a little deeper. What are you thankful for, and why do you celebrate Thanksgiving?

Last Sunday I had a get-together at my house that had nothing to do with a holiday or religion. It had all to do with love, at least on my end. I can't say the reasoning for my family attending, but my reason for having the get-together was to spend time with the people I love... my family. I don't need made up days or white society to tell me when to love and when to celebrate, or even WHAT to celebrate. I'm thankful and grateful for everyday because each day is an opportunity to spread knowledge and try to liberate my people. David Banner (my future husband) made a great point in his Twitter post yesterday; as black folks all it takes for us is a day off and some food and we'll bow down to whatever society says. He also added, "You say you're with God but you celebrate a demon's day. Are you thankful for what they did? What do we stand on or for?' Brother Malcolm X said, " A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."

In 1862 Virginia passed an act that combined Native Americans and Africans (African Americans) into one category as "Negroes and other slaves". Did you know that some black people are actually descendants of natives of this country? There were Native Americans, or Indians as we like to call them here in the south. They were killed or shipped to concentration camps. Lake Lanier is a huge Indian burial ground. Waters from the Chattahoochee swallowed the natives and buried them alive underneath the water. I guess that would make Lake Lanier a sacred burial ground that white people love to invade. Some people (black people especially) can't see past the facade of pagan days, religious days, man-made days. As long as we get a "day off and some food" we're good. We even celebrate days that are detriMENTAL and harmful to us.

What are you really thankful for? Do you need a special made-up day to celebrate love, family, life? I'm planning another get-together for next month to celebrate my grandmother's 89th bEARTHday and my grandson's 10th. Their birthdays are just days before Christmas, but who needs to celebrate a white man who is obviously not coming to save us? I'd rather celebrate the people in my life who are special to me, and those that I know love me. I'm thankful and grateful for life, love, family, my business, and knowledge. What I know can't be "unknown", but what I learned can be "unlearned". As a people if we're going to be strong and unite we have to let go of these European holidays and mindsets. Put your mind to work on your family, your health, and your business. Create your own special days for you and your family. What are you thankful for?

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Purple Poet Publishing LLC Editor-N-Chief

Purple Poet Publishing LLC has been fortunate to edit books for some great authors. We edited, "Healing Me For Me" by Orisabiyi Oyin Williams in late 2015 for publication in January 2016. We also edited "Praying, Praising, and Potty Training (Life of a Single Mama)" and "I Am (Daily Affirmations)" by my daughter and upcoming author Brittany Hunni B Willis. We have also been honored to work with and have support from other aspiring authors like, Quinton Morgan (Male Baggage, Female Baggage, Church Hurt) and author Darcova Triplett (Harmonious Contradictions, Hattitude, Brains and Beauty, Flyyyy). As CEO of Purple Poet Publishing LLC I am so grateful to have worked with such auspicious authors.

Purple Poet Publishing LLC has many great things in the works for the upcoming year. We are looking to grow our fan base, and the authors on our roster. My website will undergo a whole new overhaul and more videos will be added to my YouTube channel. My "Sunday Lives" will resume next year as well. My latest poetry book, "Poetry For Yo Soul" will be available as an audio book some time next year. Please follow us on all social media and our website to stay informed.

Facebook: C Michelle aka The Purple Poet
Instagram: @cmichellethepurplepoet
Twitter: @cmpurplediva
Google+: The Purple Poet(CMichellethePurplePoet)
YouTube: The Purple Poet
Amazon: C Michelle Atkins


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Trust Your Gut

Some people are more intuned and more intuitive than others. We've all heard the terms, "intuition or instincts". Intuition is directly related to the 3rd eye chakra. It may be a feeling you get in your gut about someone or a situation. I have felt or seen things before they happen, or I've known what a situation was before it actually took place. I don't claim to be a psychic, but I do have some psychic abilities. I accomplished this by meditating, practicing spirituality, and becoming more intuned with myself, then others. When you get that gut feeling(intuition) that something isn't right, it's in your best interest to listen. Is it your gut speaking or your intuition? 

Saturday, November 10, 2018


Grand Rising Family! I hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend. I know a lot of you are preparing for Vision Board Parties for the end of this year, or the beginning of next year. My family will have our own Vision Board Party as part of our Kwanzaa celebration. How many of you actually work on accomplishing the things on your vision boards? I keep mine in a place where I have to see it daily, right next to my bathroom door. For the past couple of years I have just been adding to my vision board instead of creating a new one. As I accomplish some of my goals/visions I add more. I am a visionary; I envision the life I want and deserve. I have lost some things along the way, but I have also gained some things. At the end of this year as I celebrate Kwanzaa I will set my intentions for the coming year. One huge goal that I intend to accomplish is a family business with my kids. I have a vision for myself and my family. Purple Poet Publishing LLC and a life insurance policy are not the only things I want to leave for my children.

Being a visionary is not just about having sight, but it's also about having insight and 3rd eye vision. When your 3rd eye is open the veil is removed from your eyes, and you see things much more clearly.... You see things and people for what they truly are. When your 3rd eye chakra is cleansed you don't just LOOK but you SEE. There is a significant difference in looking and seeing. You can look at, or in the direction of something and not really see it. Having that 3rd eye vision helps you to see past the facades and lies, and in the case of the enlightened; you can even see into your future. As you plan your vision board parties, write new year's resolutions, or set intentions focus also on envisioning your life and future. Let's finish this year strong.
Peace and Blessings

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

What's In Your Closet?

What are you hiding? Who are you hiding from? What are you hiding from? Why are you hiding or keeping secrets? These are all valid questions. Secrets can be very detrimental to relationships. I had a reading done last week, and the reader told me that the person/man close to me has deep feelings for me but he's hiding something. I've learned that all things are revealed in time. Nonetheless, I am still curious to know what's being hidden from me. Over the next couple of months there will be a transit and paradigm shift happening. The time to come clean and reveal hidden agendas is near. Many of us have skeletons in our closets, but someone close to you may be waiting for you to "Come Out Of The Closet", so to speak. Love who you are, and only make changes for YOU, because its something you want to do. Share who you are with the person/people who love you. If what you're hiding in your closet is unhealthy to your relationship go deep within to find the solution.

Know Thyself, Love Thyself, Heal Thyself
Peace & Blessings

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

We Are More Than Enough

I didn't have to go to school to become a relationship EXpert. All I had to do was live and EXperience them. I write poetry books and relationship books about my own life experiences. I choose to write about what I know. I have experienced love and loss, and most of the time I've experienced both from the same person. I have been in a physically abusive marriage, and I've been in an emotionally abusive marriage. I have come in contact with soulmates, and I finally physically met my twin flame. In the twin flame union I've experienced immense love and passion, but also great pain. Throughout the most significant relationships in my life, even those with family members I began to lose part of myself. I wanted to make everyone happy at the expense of my own happiness. As a Leo I'm a very giving person and sometimes I give too much of myself. In the past I have changed myself to conform with other people's idea or image of me.

A couple of years ago I did some soul searching and some soul work to find ME, and what really makes me happy. I found that I AM: a healer, an empath, spiritual, and I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH!. I'm more than enough just the way I am, love me or leave me. Today I don't change to make others happy, I change and work on for me. I AM beautiful in all of my Godly glory. I found God on the inside of me(something religion never taught me). I've started eating more plant based meals, exercising, yoga, sage smudging, and meditating. I use essential oils and herbs instead of medicine for healing. I LOVE ME! I KNOW that I AM more than enough for whatever relationship, job, person. We are enough!