Sunday, March 31, 2019

Spring Cleaning

Spring is a time for new beginnings and new life. The Spring season officially begins March 20th with the first full day of Spring being March 21st. The saying, "Spring roars in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" is very true. Spring begins with cold and un-Spring like weather. When the Spring season commences it still feels like Winter. April rolls in with rain to help the earth grow and replenish. "April showers bring May flowers".

My Spring cleaning ritual includes: sage smudging to clear out any negative energy, opening windows for fresh air, cleansing my crystals, getting out in nature, and for the last couple of years attending the Naturalopathy Spring Event. The Naturalopathy Spring Event was held yesterday, and for the first time in two years I didn't attend. The Naturalopathy event encompasses all of the vendors and products to start your Spring season off right.

Spring also brings with it pollen and bees. Pollen causes allergic reactions in thousands of people each year. After an encounter with the outside we must cleanse ourselves, or we bring the pollen inside with us. Of course we have to bathe to wash the pollen away, but crystals are another way to cleanse ourselves and our auras. A close friend of mine told me he loves when he encounters me because I have a beautiful aura and I bring light whenever I'm around him. Crystals can be used to clean your aura and protect you from harm.

In the circle of life animals are born in the spring, grass grows and turns green again, flowers bloom, and everything old becomes new again. A new moon begins this Friday, and new moons are a great time to set intentions and do a new thing. So as Spring and April embark upon us we can clean our physical homes(places of residence) and clean our physical houses(our bodies). Do a detox, walk along the beach, go hiking, sage smudge your home, take a detox/spiritual bath. All of these things are excellent practices for a Spring cleaning ritual. Set your intentions for the new moon and Spring season. Happy Spring Cleaning!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Freak Like Me/T-shirt and Panties

Last night I watched the episode of "Unsung" featuring Adina Howard. I have been following Adina on Instagram well before the show. I was a fan of Adina's song, "Freak Like Me" back in the 90's. I don't think many of us were ready for such an outspoken upfront woman at the time.

I have come to admire Adina for her outspokenness. She has been saying what women have been feeling for years. She's not just outspoken or upfront, but she lives her truth. Whether you or I agree with it, she lives her truth and stands for what she wants. In my 20's I was just going through life and love blindfolded. I didn't know which direction to go, so I fumbled my way through my 20's and 30's. In my early 40's I divorced the only man I had ever been in love with. I was in love with this man for 30 years, since we were both 14 years old. After the divorce I set out on a journey to find me. I found that I was highly sexual, but I had finally gotten to a place where I really enjoyed sex, and I wanted the things that were pleasurable to me.

Last night on Unsung Adina explained how her sexuality was on her terms. Men thought because she was a freak that she would just get freaky with any and everybody. She stated that she was the prize, not the other way around. In my late 40's I met my twin flame, and with him I learned to let go of all of my insecurities and inhibitions. I felt like I could let go and be myself. That seemed to only work with sex. When I wanted to let go and be my unique goddess self, displaying all that makes me who I am; he couldn't handle that. I don't pretend to be something I'm not. I am who I am.

I love sex, especially when it's combined with sensuality. I want to enjoy the experience and the man I'm with. Like Adina, I can be outspoken and speak what's on my heart. Some males are intimidated by outspokenness and realness. I thought I had finally found the man I could open up to and be myself with. I want what I want, but I am willing to compromise. Isn't that what relationships are all about? I was tired of always being the one to compromise and sacrifice,without getting the same in return.

Adina was very candid and transparent about her life. She said that she's defiant, and she likes being defiant. She also recognized the part she played in the downfall of her singing career. She admitted her faults, and although she never compromised her integrity she knew where she was wrong. She has grown and evolved and still gets what she wants. I have learned so much about myself and what I want. I want a man who can bring out every part of the freak in me. A man who will put in as much effort as I do. I want my man to cater to my body as I cater to his. Sometimes I want to be in charge of the bedroom.

I was so impressed by Adina's growth. When she was singing, "Freak Like Me" and"T-shirt and Panties" she was younger and wilder. She has since married her best friend. They divorced but still live together. She still lives her truth. She stated that she got married for sex. She wanted to try everything sexual with her husband. That's how it should be, you marry your best friend, twin flame, soulmate all in one and you both ascend to the highest heights.

Learning, growing, evolving, ascending are all apart of maturing and transforming into the person you're meant to be. When I was married I wore either pajamas or a nightgown to bed every night. Now I sleep in panties, and sometimes nothing at all. I walk around my room in nothing but panties. I would walk around the house that way if I lived alone. I enjoy sex and the connection; it's not just something to do because everybody's doing it. I want my man to lead, then other times I want to lead. I put hella effort into anything I pursue, whether business or relationship. I am the prize, and I won't say that sex, love, and a relationship has to solely be on my terms but I will be heard and I will get what I want and desire. There is a man who is capable of giving me those things. I want a freak like me, and I want to walk around in his t-shirt and my panties.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Love... All In The Family 💜🖤

I am a very family oriented person. A lot of my writings are about family, love, and relationships. As a parent, sometimes you reflect on your life and the life of your offspring. You reflect and evaluate the life you have lived before your children. Last night my children decided to reflect and remind me that I did a lot of things right.

I am a mother of 6, yes I said 6 beautiful children. Each one with their own distinctive gifts and talents. My youngest child/son (he has a twin brother) came home from school for the weekend. Four of my six children were home last night and we were talking and enjoying one another. My son and one of my daughters brought me to tears when they talked about how strong I am. They really poured their hearts out to me. They schooled me on the type of man I deserve and the type of man who deserves me.

My son told me he was tired of seeing me with men who had nothing and added nothing to my life. He said he looked at me and how I catered to my man; cooking, washing his clothes, fixing his plate, picking him up and dropping him off, and allowing him to use my car. My son flat out told me that a man should appreciate a woman like me, "You're ambitious and driven. You have business about yourself, you worked hard to take care of us, and run your businesses". My daughter talked about how she learned work ethic from me because I worked and paid my bills. My children never knew about being put out, not having electricity or running water. My daughter said, "You always had your own then these nothing ass niggas(her words, but I have used them before), come into your life without anything to add. They're just leeching off of you."

My kids remembered the family things we did, like taking family vacations, family night on Fridays, and me working to take care of them and provide for them. My heart was so full of joy and love. My children boasted of how they want what's best for me, like I want the best for them. I cried, we hugged. Last night I saw myself in my children. They learned work ethic from me, and hustling to make your dreams come true. They learned the importance of family because family is important to me.

On January 1st of this year I posted a statement on Facebook about my family. My happiness comes from seeing them happy and pursuing their dreams. My children, grandchildren, parents, and siblings are what matters most to me. My man was also a part of that squad. I felt like all I needed was my family and my man (I use the term loosely) and I could accomplish anything. When you're a family person, a business minded person, and you're driven and ambitious you need a mate who is equally family oriented, business minded, and driven. My children told me they want the best for me because I give my best.

My son said, "I want you to have a man who adds to your life, a man who can help you, not a man who benefits more from you than you do from him." My children have always supported me and I support them. My oldest daughter graduated from cosmetology school (like I did). She's a mother, makeup artist, business owner, and author (like her mother). My oldest twin daughter is a mother of 6 (like her mother), she has her own place and car, and works to provide for her household. My other twin daughter is a manager on her job, has her own place, and handles her business. The baby girl is a CNA, has a couple of cars, and has great work ethic (like her mother). My oldest twin son(they're only 19) works at a fast food joint, has a side gig working on houses, and he has recorded rap songs in the studio. My baby has moved to another state, he's in school, has a job, and is about to buy a car and get his own place (he suggested I move to Kentucky). I am so proud of my children and family is everything to me.

I have made some bad decisions when it comes to my children, but they have proven to me that I've made a lot of good decisions. They showed me that I'm a good mother/grandmother, and a great woman. I choose #FamilyOverEverything.