August 2017 was the last time I ate bacon. If you knew me 4-5 years ago then you knew I loved bacon. I had made the conscious decision a year prior to 2017 to give up beef and pork, but bacon was my favorite so weening myself off of it was a process. As much as I loved bacon, I have never reverted back to eating it. In 2018 I started on my vegan journey, and by 2019 had gone strictly vegan. By the end of 2019 and into 2020 I started eating chicken and fish again; as I've said before beginning a life of veganism is a process. Eating and cooking with my other half was the gateway to eating animals again. Last year during the quarantine I ordered food because of the convenience, and I was eating wrong! I ate cow's cheese, chicken, and fish, and stopped working out. I'm always highly motivated in the beginning of any practice, but somewhere along the lines I lose motivation.
Wellness can be equated with Wholeness. You're not completely well until you're completely whole. What I mean by that is, in order to be well you must heal and practice wellness in every area of your life. For optimum health we must practice healthy eating habits, exercise, yoga(stretching), meditation and mindfulness. Wholeness focuses on us becoming well rounded people. Health and wholeness means a healthy mind, spirit, and body. We want the whole person to be well and healthy. Many people make new year's resolutions to exercise or lose weight, and many resolutions fall through the cracks by February. Wellness is a journey, it's not a lifestyle change overnight. As I've said before, we are taught our eating habits by the family and household we grew up in. It took years of conditioning to eat these foods, therefore it will take years of conditioning to eat healthy foods.
Designing an exercise regimen that fits your individual lifestyle is key. Some people wake up extra early to workout in the mornings, while others workout after work or in the evenings. Everything is tied together, what you eat, what you drink, exercise, and spiritual practices. Meditation is one of the best things to uplift a tired soul. Going within helps you to see what is blocking you, and what next steps to take. Yoga opens up your joints and allows for flexibility and mobility. What you put into your body is very important; from the foods you eat to the supplements you take. Illness can not reside in an alkaline body. Alkaline water and foods help bring the body into optimal health. If you're vegan right now and eating alkaline foods, drinking alkaline water, and taking organic natural supplements you are giving your body what it needs on the inside. Meditation is also a form of giving your body what it needs on the inside. Introspection and quieting the mind help to bring you back into balance with yourself and the Universe.
Make your practices your own, your journey is your own personal journey. Move at your own pace. To begin your wellness journey you may start by cutting out certain foods as I did. Meal planning and meal prep are also great ways to stay organized and on track. Also as a form of spiritual self care, is smudging your home and space with sage, lavender, or incense. Smudging purifies the air and removes staleness and negative energies. Yoga and stretching opens up the spine for flexibility of joints; and also opens up breathing passageways. We want the Whole person to be well. Choose some form of daily self care to boost your mood and motivation.
Illness becomes Wellness when I is replaced with We. We are in this together! Wellness is Wholeness, we treat and heal the Whole person. We want to be whole and complete in everything we do.
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